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Bilan des 5 mois (en anglais sil vous plait)

My english is getting better. Honestly, I can feel it. Since I started my new job at the call centre, I have the training in English 8 hrs a day during 3 weeks.

I first told everybody, that I would stay here during 6 months, so that would obviously mean that I'd come back at the end of the month. As you certainly may know, I've planned to stay 6 months longer. What's the point leaving now ? Coming back to France in the winter ? However, it's the first time I'm away from home for such a long time, and believe me, it's getting more and more difficult. I wish one of my friends would come to visit me !! 3 or 4 friends said, they would ! I'm still waiting.... =D

Anyway, here I am.. I just wrote this in english to show you how my english has improved within 5 months. It has been already 5 months !! Do you believe it ?? Time is flying. Next month, I'll already be in the middle of my brave and unbeliaveable adventure.

Ecrit par enny, le Jeudi 3 Novembre 2005, 06:03 dans la rubrique Actualités.

Commentaires :

03-11-05 à 10:12

wahou, j'ai réussi à comprendre ! (je réponds pas en anglais moi...) Bon eh bien bonne chance pour la suite tu es bien parti pour devenir bilingue...

12-11-05 à 21:04

Time is fleeting.

12-11-05 à 23:53


Egalement oui...